Sunday, January 23, 2011

Age of 3D animation

he art of creating moving images and the use of the computer is usually called 3D Animation. The era of 3D animation

can be dated from the early nineties when the first 3D animated film Toy Story

has been created. With the passage of time there has been considerable change in the 3D animation and more movies have been created.

The power and effectiveness of 3D animation became apparent when Jurassic Park hit the big screen in 1993. It was really

application created with the help of 3D animation. The animal most powerful, the dinosaur has been brought to life. The film is

as testimony to the powers of 3D animation.

The age of 3D animation has certainly caused a revolution. There is hardly any field where 3D animation is not playing

a central role. The popularity of computer animation has skyrocketed in this era of 3D animation. The superiority of the 3D

Animation has several reasons. Some are important requirements in section monitored.

In the era of 3D animation images crystal clear can be revealed in a very short period of time and the impact created is just

unimaginable. It is true that the concepts and ideas that are not easy to express in words or even through

illustrations can be easily created, but also analyzed from different angles. The 3D function of size

The animation is where lies its true power and ability to represent the movement is exceptional. An enormous amount of scientific data

movements is combined and presented in a simplistic manner. A fortunate attribute added to the 3D animation is that

this creates a long-term impact on memory and the viewer tends to retain the image of a much longer time and that too


Age of 3D animation highlights unlimited possibilities. It is a fine

communication tool that offers more information at a faster pace, presents complex concepts in a simplified and also

helping to transform an idea or even a hint of reality. Entertainment for any event, expensive or dangerous for reproduction, is possible

this age of 3D animation. Fine examples of what would be a plane crash, demolition of buildings and or the creation of settlements.

In the age effects, photo-realistic 3D animation are possible using virtual light sources from different angles with

fine mixture of reflection, transparency and shading. A large area where 3D animation is brining in a large and fast

transformation is the architecture. The 3-dimensional models are more accurate and make it easier to see and study the possible

relationship building with the environment.

In the era of 3D animation there is no limit to the extent that the software is concerned. You can find several packages

market, but the main problem and only he is much too large and it re-endless companies that created them

own 3D animation packages under the pretext that those who are available do not suit their purpose. However, there are still some

the standard. The first and most familiar that comes to mind is Alias Maya. It is software that allows you

to create patterns, texture and animate them tight and many more. Another package which is a rival for Alias Maya 3DS

max 'is a package with almost the same facilities as might be found in Alias Maya advantage is that it allows you

from Maya to 3DS Max and vice versa. A few other software packages are Cinema 4D, Body, 3D and many articles of light


The future of 3D animation is far from there, will be more and more, the different areas where 3D animation is happening

to make a radical change. However, one area of challenge for the 3D animation is an animated photo-realistic humans. Since

already the character of animals, fantasy characters, robots, or cartoons like humans are presented, but time is not far off when you

3D Animation certainly see success in this area.